
Having a soulmate is not always about romance.

"Having a soulmate is not always about romance. You can find your soulmate in a friendship too. "
Today, I watched the video of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet on Facebook.  Then, I suddenly thought of you. Why did you fully reject me as a friend. Love doesn't mean we have to be married and live together forever. Sometimes, love is just show up. Be there for each other, support each other. Sometimes, life didn't allow things to happen in our favor, but destiny brought us together.
There must be a reason for it. Love is not selfish. Love is wanting the best for each other’s life. Sometimes, we find a soul mate in friendship too.


A woman can forget a man who broke her

A woman can forget a man who broke her hearts but she can never forget the man who gathered the broken pieces, healed her soul and made her smile again.


I’m kind of an absent friend

I’m kind of an absent friend like I will love you with my whole heart and go out of my way to give you any help you need but I tend to live in my own world and suck at keeping up communication, and l’m really sorry to anyone who takes that personally.


It is the voice of your soul.

You know that crazy heart of yours? The one with lightning crackling and moonlight shining through it. The one you’ve been told not to trust because it often led you off the beaten path. The one so many have misunderstood your entire life. Trust it. Feed it. Grow it. It’s your greatest treasure and will point the way to your highest destiny. It is the voice of your soul.

― Jacob Nordby


It's okay to feel

I've been numb for so many years; 
I've learned that it's okay to feel.
Nobody loves misery, but don't let 
the pain turn you numb or emotionless.
It's okay to feel what you want to feel
it's the sign that you are still alive.
Doesn't matter if what you feel is real or not, 
it's beautiful, it grows flowers to your soul.
It's the best part of being alive. 


Love is a medicine for any kind of wound

"Love is a medicine for any kind of wound"

Dealing with depression and anxiety for a long time, I don't want to discuss or talk about the symptoms, you can google, learn or read about it. I just wanted to tell you that it's a body who is trying to stay alive; while your mind feels like it doesn't belong to this world. Nothing excites you anymore, you don't want to participate in life. You don't like people because, they don't get it.
They keep sucking your energy to the worst. You start isolating yourself from society. You are drowning in your own thoughts. There are some days you smile and laugh with few friends or family, but most of the time, you just want to sleep. You're dead, but you're alive. Sometimes, you try to be strong and distract your mind with other things such as reading, gaming, shopping or going for a walk, but it only helps for a while. I talk to everyone who wants to talk or flirt with me, but I have no emotions. I just smile and reply to be polite. And then he came. I met him online. He just wanted to be a friend. With him, I feel so different, He makes me feel alive and excited about everything again. The best part is, it all happened within 2 or 3 days of simple conversations, and I didn't even know his age, and how he looked like. I called him magic. He doesn't know why, He just smiled.

I've learned something about depression, it can be cured. Understanding is one thing, but it's secondary. First, you need to find the one; that someone who can spark your spirit. He doesn't have to work that hard if he has that kind connection to your soul. If you're lucky, they stay forever, some just stay for a while to teach you a lesson. Maybe this is what God tried showing me upon this meeting. That there is the way, there is always possibility...there's no dead end to anything in this world.


Addicted to love.

Sometimes, I am not sure whether I am addicted to him, or addicted to love. I mean, I really love the feeling of falling in love and being in love with someone who also feels the same way about me. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever we talk, the nervous breakdown when I see him; it's a beautiful feeling. Most of all, I love the vibe. I feel excited to wake up every morning, I am energetic and feel so alive, I glow differently, my cheeks blush naturally because, I am happy. I smile all the time until people around me also start smiling too. It's a good vibe...a sensational flaming erotic good vibe. It makes me fly high with pleasure. And maybe, I am addicted to him because, only he can give me that feeling. - Mn


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