
You matter.

If there is one thing I could plant in your heart, it’s that you matter, you’ll always matter. ~ T.B. LaBerge


The first time I saw you..

The first time I saw you, my heart whispered, "that's the one"


I hope you all find someone who..

I hope you all find someone who gives you cute names and tells you it’s adorable when you do embarrassing things and hugs you when it’s early in the morning and makes you feel like you have a whole disneyland fireworks show going off inside your body and never ever lets you go.


We don't forgive people because we are weak.

We don't forgive people because we are weak. We forgive people because we are strong enough to know that we all make mistakes and that it's not our place to judge them.


Having a soft heart is courage.

Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness. ~Katherine Henson


I do not have to be perfect.

I do not have to be perfect. Perfection is a myth. Real people have flaws.


I will try my best

I may not be the best, but I will try to be my best, and that is all I need to do.


God is in control.

When I'm worried, it's usually because I'm trying to do everything myself. When I'm at peace, it's usually because I remember that God is in control. ~ Dave Willis


Once she gets attached

Once she gets attached, she's loyal, she's committed, she's honest, she's faithful, she's dependable, she's caring. But you know what comes with that? She's jealous, she's clingy, she's annoying, she's over-protective, she's emotional, she's crazy. You could push her away, but she'll still come back to you. You could piss her off, but she can never stay mad at you. You could lie to her, but she'll still try to trust you. You could keep making mistakes, but she'll forgive you over & over again. You could make her hate you, but she'll start loving you all over again..

Author : unknown


There's something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.

There's something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.


Let yourself be happy.

So you want to be happy? Then stop letting the smallest things ruin your whole entire day. If you’re bored with your daily routine, do something unexpected. Stop complaining about how alone you are when you’re surrounded by people who actually care about you. Forget all the drama and let go of all the grudges you’ve been holding. Stop wasting time lingering over all that you could have, should have and would have done. Stop spending your days thinking of how much better you could do; stop longing for something that has been and always will be out of your reach. Just live the days as they come. Wake up every morning and smile at the wonderful day that awaits you. Take a risk for once. Let yourself be happy, because you deserve it.

Author : unknown


Some people aren't loyal to you

Some people aren't loyal to you, they are loyal to their need in you. Once their need changes so does their loyalty.


Beauty can be found anywhere.

Beauty can be found anywhere. Everything from an amazing sunrise, to an individual helping a homeless person, to someone lost in thought, is beautiful. There’s almost something profound about catching those tiny moments of beauty in a person or place; someone sitting in a café lost in thought while reading a novel, or an old married couple holding hands. During those chance seconds, it’s almost as if the individuals’ true self is taking center stage. The viewer is allowed to see past what society wants the people to think is beautiful and is truly able to catch a glimpse of what beauty means in its simplest terms.

Author : unknown


If you're absent during my struggle

If you're absent during my struggle, don't expect to be present during my success. ~Will Smith


I want that unexpected kind of love.

I want that unexpected kind of love. The one where you never know what’s going to happen next, but you trust and believe that everything will be okay. You know everything will be okay, as long as you’re with him. You trust him with your head and your heart; he’s your everything. And best of all, you’re his.

Author : unknown


Make yourself a priority once in a while. It’s not selfish. It’s necessary.


Most guys aren't smart enough to realize that the higher you elevate your women the less available she is for other men.

Most guys aren't smart enough to realize that the higher you elevate your women the less available she is for other men. When you break her down, you make her accessible to anyone she thinks will treat her better.


If he truly loves you.

If he truly loves you, he will love you when you are an ocean breeze, but also when you are a summer storm. You were not made to be loved in parts, you were meant to be loved as a whole. ~Nikita Gill


Everyone you trust, everyone you think you can count on, will eventually disappoint you.

Everyone you trust, everyone you think you can count on, will eventually disappoint you. People lie, keep secrets, and disappear, but you have to move on. No sense in dwelling on the things you can not change.


Never think you're nothing.

Never think you're nothing. Never cry at night over not being pretty enough. Never tell yourself you'll never be good enough. Because to someone,you're everything. To someone, you're gorgeous. To someone, you are the world.


Maybe the best thing to do is just stop trying to figure out where you're going, and just enjoy where you're at.

I usually don't like thinking about the future. I mean, let's face it, you can't predict what's gonna happen.. but sometimes, the thing you didn't expect is what you really wanted after all. Maybe the best thing to do is just stop trying to figure out where you're going, and just enjoy where you're at.

-Scrub season 2


That’s the problem with being strong.

That’s the problem with being strong - people think they can say or do anything to you and you’re gonna still be standing, sturdy like a rock. People think that you’re never going to be sad, people think that you’re never going need them to be there for you, people expect you to be there for them round the clock even though you have your own battles to fight. That’s the problem with being strong.

p/s BE STRONG, anyway


I believe that everything happens for a reason.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. ~Marilyn Monroe


And after a while you learn that you don’t need anyone else in order to survive.

And after a while you learn that you don’t need anyone else in order to survive. No one is ever going to always be there, no matter what they say or what they promise you. You just gotta suck it up, accept it and keep on going on.


Sometimes, you just need someone to talk to.

Sometimes, you just need someone to talk to. Someone who is not only willing to be there for you, but understands you & what you’re going through. Someone who you out down your guards & reveal your imperfections. Someone who will never judge you or sway away even from the mistakes you make. Someone who doesn’t need words to prove but you both know that the person will always be there. Someone who loves you, truly for who you are. One of the greatest gifts in life is having the chance to find someone like that in your life.


Okay is enough.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's this: We all want everything to be okay. We don't even wish so much for fantastic or marvelous or outstanding. We will happily settle for okay, because most of the time, okay is enough.

~David Levithan -- Every Day


I'm not the same everyday.

I'm not the same everyday. There are times where I'm loud and chatty, and there are times when I'm really quiet. I don't think I can define myself.


My only goal in life right now is to be happy.

My only goal in life right now is to be happy. Genuinely, intensely and consistently happy, regardless of what that looks like to others.


Don't talk about what you're going to do, just do it and let your actions speak for you.


Maybe bad things happen because it’s the only way we can keep remembering what good is supposed to look like.

But then again, maybe bad things happen because it’s the only way we can keep remembering what good is supposed to look like.~ Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes


The saddest thing in life is seeing the person you love, happy with someone else.


And there’s a big part of me that wishes I never met you.

And there’s a big part of me that wishes I never met you. I preferred the emptiness in me when I didn’t know it was there. ~Beau Taplin


When you love people, you want what’s best for them, and sometimes what’s best for them isn’t you.


No matter the situation, never let your emotions over power your Intelligence.


You need to be content with small steps. That’s all life is.

You need to be content with small steps. That’s all life is. Small steps that you take every day so when you look back down the road it all adds up and you know you covered some distance. It took me a long time to accept that, but it’s true. You need to have patience. 

~Katie Kacvinsky --Awaken


Sometimes I keep my feelings to myself

Sometimes I keep my feelings to myself because its hard to find someone who understands.


Life is art.

I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art. ~Helena Bonham Carter


Once you awaken, you will have no interest in judging those who sleep.


If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how very different our ideals of beauty would be.


Monsters don't sleep under your bed; they scream inside your head.


Sometimes I am not angry, I'm hurt, and there's a big difference.


I prefer to be crazy and happy rather than normal and bitter.


In the end, you tried and you cared, and sometimes that's enough.


When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option, but a priority. Loyalty is everything.


Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care.


The best gift a man can give to his woman is his time, his attention and his love.


To make a woman happy, give her these three things: attention, affection and appreciation.


I hope one day you find someone who makes flowers grow in even the saddest parts of you.


The one who is meant for you encourages you to be your best, but still loves and accepts you at your worst.


Your belief doesn't make you a better person, your behavior does.


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